Notification obligations for third-country nationals

Notification obligations for third-country nationals



Notification obligations for third-country nationals


  1. 1)Registering accommodation


Third-country nationals must notify the regional directorate of the National Directorate General for Aliens Policing (hereinafter: NDGAP) of their accommodation in Hungary by providing the followings:

  • ·natural identification data,
  • ·particulars of the travel document,
  • ·address of place of accommodation,
  • ·date of arrival to and estimated departure from the place of accommodation, and
  • ·serial number of visa or residence permit.


When making the notification, third-country nationals must attach one of the following documents:

  • ·a proof of ownership of the applicant’s home in Hungary,
  • ·a residential lease contract certifying the existence of a rental relationship,
  • ·a document verifying an accommodation booked and paid for,
  • ·a notarised declaration of a family member who holds a residence visa, residence permit, has a long-term residence status, holds a residence card,permanent residence card for EEA nationals or for third-country national family members as defined by Act I of 2007 on the Admission and Residence of Persons with the Right of Free Movement and Residence or is recognised as a refugee in Hungary, that (s)he will guarantee the applicant's residence, or
  • ·other credible documents.


Third-country nationals are not required to submit the documents listed above if their long-term stay in Hungary is accomplished with

  • ·EU Blue Card,
  • ·short-term mobility certificate of researchers,
  • ·long-term mobility certificate of researchers,
  • ·student mobility residence permit,
  • ·student mobility certificate,
  • ·residence permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer,
  • ·residence permit for the purpose of studies,
  • ·residence permit for the purpose of research,
  • ·residence permit for the purpose of voluntary services,
  • ·residence permit for the purpose of traineeship, or
  • ·residence permit for the purpose of seeking a job or starting a business.


Any change of accommodation must be notified to the regional directorate responsible for the new accommodation within 3 days of the change.


The form required to register the accommodation can be downloaded here. In Word format: click here.


The accommodation or change of accommodation must be notified electronically via the Enter Hungary platform after electronic registration.


Third-country nationals can certify that they have registered their accommodation by means of an accommodation certificate, which they must retain and keep with them.


  1. 2)Notification of the birth of a child


If you are in possession of a visa for an intended stay not exceeding 90 days, a visa or residence permit for a stay exceeding 90 days within 180 days, or you have a long-term residence status, and you give birth to a child in the territory of Hungary who is a third-country national, you must notify the NDGAP regional directorate by providing the following information:

  • ·personal details of the child (name, place and date of birth, mother’s name);
  • ·document number of the child’s travel document;
  • ·address of place of accommodation/residence of the child.


  1. 3)Reporting the loss, theft or destruction of a document


You must immediately report the loss, theft or destruction of your travel document or residence permit to the immigration authority (at the regional directorate of NDGAP, police station or in case of foreign residence at the competent Hungarian diplomatic mission).

The immigration authority will issue a certificate of notification.

A travel document which is believed to have been lost and which is found after being reported lost must be reported to the immigration authorities without delay. A third-country national must obtain a new travel document to replace a lost, stolen, destroyed or expired travel document, unless an international agreement provides otherwise.

The application for the substitution of a residence document can only be submitted electronically via the Enter Hungary platform, which can be accessed by clicking here.


  1. 4)Notification obligation in connection with employment


Third-country nationals must notify NDGAP’s regional directorate of their intention to undertake employment,

  • ·immediately after the termination of their previous employment or a change in the terms and conditions of their employment, but not later than 5 days if they are employed by an employer other than the one they were previously employed by or under different terms and conditions;
  • ·without undue delay after the conclusion of the preliminary agreement and within 5 days at the latest, if they have

-         a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification,

-         an EU Blue Card,

-         a residence permit issued for the purpose of guest self-employment,

-         a Hungarian Card,

-         a humanitarian residence permit (as a person recognised as a stateless person; as a person cooperating with the authorities in the interests of law enforcement or national security; or as a person who has been employed under particularly exploitative conditions or as a minor without a residence permit)

-         a residence permit for the purpose of research,

-         a residence permit for seasonal employment,

-         a residence permit for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer, or

-         a long-term mobility certificate.


Please note that specific reporting obligations for each purpose of residence are set out in the dedicated information materials.

Last edited: 2024.09.30. 11:36