Change in the administration procedure of registration certificates and residence cards to be issued to third-country national family members of EEA nationals
Dear Clients,
Please note that
as of 1 February 2025, persons with the right of free movement establishing a
place of domicile the first time (in case of applications for a registration
certificate and a residence card of a third-country
national family member of an EEA national) are subject to payment of a
separate fee for the issuance and delivery by post of the official document
certifying residential address (i.e., ‘lakcímkártya’). (The fee for the
registration certificate (HUF 1,000) and the fee for the residence card of a
third-country national family member of an EEA national (HUF 15,000), i.e.,
fees for the aliens policing procedure, are to be paid to the National
Directorate-General for Aliens Policing in the same way and in the same amount
as hitherto.)
Persons holding
a registration certificate and a residence card are entitled to a Hungarian
official document certifying residential address (i.e., ‘lakcímkártya’) under
Act LXVI of 1992 on the Registration of Personal Data and Residential
Addresses of Citizens; no separate application is to be submitted,
persons in this category are entitled to the document by law.
The fee for the
issuance and delivery by post of an official document certifying residential
address (i.e., ‘lakcímkártya’) (together HUF 5,700) is
to be paid by all persons concerned at the time of initiation of
the procedure for the registration certificate or residence card. (Clients
under 14 years of age are not subject to a fee for the issuance of an
official document certifying residential address (i.e., ‘lakcímkártya’),
they are only required to pay a fee for its delivery by post, which
is HUF 2,000.) Please note that, as hitherto, the official document
certifying residential address (i.e., ‘lakcímkártya’) will be sent out by the
issuing authority by post.
The fee shall be
paid by bank transfer both in case of in-person
application submission (at a client service office) and in case of electronic
case initiation (via the EnterHungary interface).
The transfer is required to be completed as follows:
The beneficiary: Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister
Bank account number: HU80 10032000-00335814-06020020 (BIC HUSTHUHB)
Comment field indications: name, the
EnterHungary reference number, in case of a submission via the Enter Hungary
interface*, the terminus: ’lakcímkártya’
Amount: HUF 5,700 (for persons over the age of 14) or HUF
2,000 (for persons under the age of 14)**
Please note that a separate transfer is to be completed even if more than
one application (e.g., of a family) is submitted at the same time.
In the procedure
for the issuance of a registration certificate or a residence card, proof of
payment of the fee for the issuance of the official document certifying
residential address (i.e., ‘lakcímkártya’) is required. In the
absence of such a proof, the aliens policing authority will terminate the
* EH reference
number: the identification number assigned to each case initiated via the
EnterHungary electronic case initiation platform; the number consists of the
‘EH’ prefix which is followed by 8 digits.
** ONLY the
amount of HUF 5,700 or 2,000 is to be transferred to the indicated bank
account. The separate fee for the issuance or delivery by post of the official
document certifying residential address (i.e., ‘lakcímkártya’) may not be paid
to the bank account of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing, as
well as the fee for the aliens policing procedure may not be transferred to the
bank account of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister.
Yours faithfully,