Permanent Residence in Hungary - FAQ

After how much time of residence in Hungary is it possible to apply for national permanent residence permit?


A national permanent residence permit may be issued to a third-country national:

×        who has a place of abode in the territory of Hungary and whose subsistence is ensured;

×        who has comprehensive healthcare insurance or sufficient financial resources for healthcare services;

×        who has a residence permit or an interim permanent residence permit; and

×        whose residence is in accordance with the interest of Hungary; and

  1. owho lawfully resided in the territory of Hungaryfor at least the preceding three years
  2. owho is a dependent direct relative in the ascending line of a third-country national with immigrant, permanent resident or refugee status, and living in the samefor at least one year
  3. owho is the spouse of a third-country national with immigrant, permanent resident or refugee status, provided that the marriage was contracted at least two years before the application was submitted;
  4. owho was formerly a Hungarian citizen and whose citizenship was terminated, or whose ascendant is or was a Hungarian citizen;

×        who is the minor child of a third-country national with immigrant, permanent resident or refugee status.


What can the regional directorate consider to be in Hungary’s interest in assessing an application for national residence?


The regional directorate shall define the interest of Hungary manifesting, in particular, in viable economic, scientific, cultural and sport interests, as well as the advanced social integration of third-country nationals.


Please note that in that context the applicant is advised to make available all information that may be deemed helpful in his/her application or autobiography, and to submit any documentary evidence he/she may have in support of such information, so as to aid the authority in reaching a decision.


In determining whether granting national residence permit to a third-country national for the purpose of establishment is in accordance with the interest of Hungary, the regional directorate may submit a request to the ministry that has any information or document necessary for assessing the case, or to another central government agency. The body requested shall reply to the request within 15 days.


Can a third-country national who has a national permanent residence permit travel to other Schengen Member States?


Yes, the third-country national may enter the territory of other Schengen Member States with a valid passport and stay there for not more than 90 days without visa, during the period of validity of his/her national permanent residence permit. If a third-country national plans to stay in the territory of other Schengen Member States for more than 90 days, we recommend to contact the competent authorities (e.g.: embassies, consulates) of the Member State of destination for further information on the regulations relating to residence before entering.


What type of permit, visa is needed to apply for national permanent residence permit?


A national permanent residence permit may be issued to a third-country national holding a residence permit or an interim permanent residence permit for establishing residence in the territory of Hungary and if able to meet the requirements set out by the relevant legislation.


A third-country national who has been granted refugee status by the refugee authority may apply for national permanent residence permit in the absence of a long-term visa or residence permit.


If a family member already has a permanent residence permit, is it an advantage when applying for a national permanent residence permit?


Yes, in view of the fact that an application for national permanent residence permit may be submitted by a third-country national before having lawfully resided for at least three years, if the applicant is a dependent direct relative in the ascending line of a third-country national with immigrant, permanent resident or refugee status, and living in the same household for at least one year immediately before the application was submitted, or is the spouse of a third-country national with immigrant, permanent resident or refugee status, provided that the marriage was contracted at least two years before the application was submitted, or if the minor child of a third-country national with immigrant, permanent resident or refugee status.


Can an EEA national apply for national permanent residence permit?


No, national permanent residence permits are given to third-country nationals only. The entry and stay of EEA nationals is governed by Act I of 2007 on the Admission and Residence of Persons with the Right of Free Movement and Residence, and in accordance with this Act, EEA nationals may receive a registration certificate, and/or a permanent residence card after 5 years of continuous residence in Hungary.


Is a statement of consent required for the permanent residency of a minor from the other parent?


A minor third-country national shall provide proof that his/her parent or legal representative gave permission for his/her stay in Hungary, for the duration of the planned stay.


Parental consent shall be provided in a statement executed in a private document representing conclusive evidence or an authentic instrument, with Hungarian or English translation.


Is it necessary to submit the request personally or can somebody else be entrusted to do it? Can the applicant be represented by someone else during the process?


The application shall only be submitted electronically, but applicants are required to appear in person because the national permanent residence document is a biometric document, which means that facial likeness and - for applicants over the age of six - fingerprint will be taken.


In case of a legal representative or an authorised legal entity, applications - which can otherwise be submitted electronically - can only be submitted electronically.


If the client’s physical presence is not mandatory by law, unless otherwise provided for by this Act,

a) the client may be substituted by:

aa) his/her legal representative,

ab) his/her spouse with the right of residence in Hungary for a period exceeding ninety days,

the spouse of a third-country national;

ac) his/her adult child with the right of residence in Hungary for a period exceeding ninety days in the case of a dependent parent, or

ad) a person designated by the client or his/her legal representative, spouse or adult child in the case of a dependent parent; furthermore

b) the client may proceed together with his representative.


If the client is not involved personally, the authority shall check the representative’s authorisation for representation. The representative is required to verify his/her authorisation for representation in writing, by way of the means specified in the relevant legislation.


Is it necessary for a third-country national to own a real estate property in order to receive a national permanent residence permit?


It is not necessary for a third-country national to own a real estate property in order to receive a national permanent residence permit. According to the law, the applicant is required to have a place of residence in Hungary, or must be able to prove his/her right or title to the residential property planned to be registered as his/her first place of residence in Hungary. At the same time the competent authority has to take into consideration whether the applicant is the owner of the real estate property in which the applicant him/herself and his/her family members reside. On the other hand, the real estate property of the third-country national cannot be considered to cover his/her subsistence in Hungary if it serves as the residence of the third-country national and his/her dependant family members.


For how long a national permanent residence permit is valid? How can it be extended?


The national permanent residence permit affords the right of residence in the territory of Hungary for an indefinite period of time. The validity period of the document is 5 years and is lodged electronically by the third-country national via NDGAP’s electronic procedure initiation platform (Enter Hungary) upon registration on the electronic platform of the immigration authority for procedure initiation. The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for extension of a national permanent residence permit is HUF 20,000, payable by way of electronic payment instrument (bank card).


If you wish to ask for an invoice on the payment of the procedural fee, please click on the link below:


Invoice request on payment of procedural fee.


Upon request, the competent regional directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing shall extend the permit by an additional five years. Where an application for national permanent residence permit is submitted by a third-country national pursuant to Subsection (1) of Section 35/A of the Act on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals, it may be submitted, using the standard form prescribed by specific other legislation, at the consulate officer of Hungary in the country where the home or usual place of residence of the applicant is located or in the country of the applicant’s nationality.


If the third-country national who has a national permanent residence permit is forced to return to his/her home country due to family reasons, but would like to return to Hungary, will this cause the permanent residence permit to be invalidated? If so, after how long?


If a third-country national with a permanent residence permit leaves Hungary for reasons other than permanent settlement elsewhere he/she is required to notify in writing the regional directorate of jurisdiction by reference to the place where his/her residence is located concerning his/her intention to exit the territory of Hungary for a period of more than six months, with the reasons and the planned duration of foreign residence indicated. If the third-country national leaves the territory of Hungary for a period not exceeding two years for reasons other than resettlement, the competent regional directorate may not withdraw on those grounds the national permanent residence permit of this person inside the planned duration of foreign residence indicated in the notice, provided that the third-country national in question resided in the territory of Hungary for at least one hundred and eighty days within a period of one year before the notice was dispatched.


Can a third-country national who has a national permanent residence permit travel to other Schengen Member States?


Yes, a third-country national who has a national permanent residence permit may travel to other Schengen Member States with a valid passport during the period of validity of his/her residence permit, and stay there for a period not exceeding three months without visa. If a third-country national plans to stay in the territory of other Schengen Member States for more than three months, we recommend to contact the competent authorities (e.g.: embassies, consulates) of the Member State of destination for further information on the regulations relating to residence before entering.


What documents are required to be enclosed with an application for national permanent residence permit?


When submitting an application for national permanent residence permit the applicant is required to attach his/her valid travel document and enclose with the application his/her birth certificate, and also the marriage certificate if the applicant is married, the certificate of divorce if the marriage was terminated, furthermore, in the case of minors, documentary evidence from the competent authority of the country of origin stating that there is no legal impediment for the minor person in question who is a third-country national to seek permanent residency abroad, documentary proof of the applicant’s abode and subsistence in Hungary, documentary evidence of insurance coverage, a certificate of clean criminal record issued within three months to date by the competent authority of the country where the applicant’s permanent or temporary residence was located before his/her entry to Hungary, and one facial photograph.


What needs to be done in case of the birth of a third-country national child in the territory of Hungary?

Third-country nationals holding a visa, residence permit, and third-country nationals with immigrant or permanent resident status shall report the birth of a child – who is also a third-country national – in the territory of Hungary and shall simultaneously supply the following information: natural identification data of the child, identification data of the child’s travel document, address of the place of accommodation or residence of the child. The birth of a child shall be reported to the regional directorate of jurisdiction by reference to the place where the parent’s place of residence or place of accommodation is located, with the child’s birth certificate presented within 3 months from the date of birth. (Form)


Where an immigrant or permanent resident has to report his/her change of address?

The new address shall be reported to the district office of the Budapest and county government agency responsible for the place where the new residence is located, the change of address shall not entail the replacement of the residence document. The report is confirmed by the personal identification number and official address card issued by the district office, therefore this official document has to be kept together with the residence document and has to be surrendered to the duly empowered authority upon request.


How an immigrant or permanent resident EEA national can renew his or her immigration or permanent residence permit and Hungarian identification document?

At the request of an EEA national holding a residence or immigration permit, a document evidencing right of permanent residence shall be issued irrespective of whether or not the relevant requirements are satisfied. The fee for such document is HUF 1,500, payable by way of electronic payment instrument (bank card).

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