BREXIT Information

BREXIT Information

Information regarding BREXIT


Residence rules following the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union


As of the midnight of 31 January 2020 the United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union . In accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement until the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020, UK nationals were still considered EEA nationals, who enjoyed the right of free movement.


Registration certificates and permanent residence cards issued to UK nationals based on their residency in Hungary prior to the withdrawal, along with residence cards and permanent residence cards issued for third-country national family members of UK nationals were valid until 31 December 2021 the latest. These individuals could retain their residency rights under the national settlement permit.


Following the withdrawal, UK nationals newly arriving in Hungary are now considered third-country nationals.

UK nationals and their family members, intending to stay in the territory of Hungary for a period exceeding 90 days within 180 days, may apply for a residence permit under the general rules, according to the purpose of their stay.

Applications for the issuance of aresidence permit may also be submitted in Hungary electronically upon registration on the electronic platform of the immigration authority for procedure initiation (Enter Hungary). In the case of an authorised procedure of a legal representative or a legal entity, applications can only be submitted electronically.


Please note that it is necessary to appear before the competent regional directorate within 15 days of the confirmation of receipt of the application in order to verify your identity, to take your biometric data and a specimen signature, and to have your documents recognised.

 For more details on electronic administration, please click here.


Rules regarding beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement


Under the Withdrawal Agreement, citizens of the UK and their family members can retain their residence rights acquired through their previous EU membership even after the transition period.

To obtain a new legal status, applications for a national settlement permit had to be submitted between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2021, as a general rule. If the application is submitted after December 31, 2021, reasons for the delay must be provided.


National Settlement Permit / National Residence Card

Starting in 2024, under the new immigration regulations, a national residence card can be applied for instead of the national settlement permit. Additionally, a national settlement permit can be extended within the framework of the national residence card. As a general rule, the national settlement permits issued to beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement in 2021 are due for renewal in 2026.


Preferential right of long-term residence for family members

third-country national family member of a UK national with permanent residence status in Hungary may be granted a national residence card if the existing family relationship with the UK national was established before 1 January 2021 and still exists at the time of application for a national residence card, unless 

a) his/her settlement in the territory of Hungary constitutes a threat to public security or national security;

b) (s)he is a subject to expulsion or a ban on entry and stay, or a SIS alert ordering ban on entry and stay;

c) (s)he provided false information, untrue fact(s) or misled the competent authority in the interest of obtaining the permit.


A national residence card provides long-term resident status and the holder of the permit document shall have the right to reside in the territory of Hungary indefinitely. The validity period of a national residence card document is 10 years which the immigration authority may extend with an additional 10 years upon request.

The person with a long-term resident status has permanent residence and is entitled to an identity card.


Submitting applications

Applications shall only be submitted electronically via the Enter Hungary platform, operated by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing.

On the application form the reason for requesting the national residence card may be specified, namely that the applicant is a beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Under the preferential regulations for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement, there is no need to examine the living conditions, eligibility for healthcare, or health status. The applicant is not required to make any statements regarding these matters.


Enter Hungary platform sends an automatic notification about the application and further steps to follow. 


Please note that it is necessary to appear before the competent regional directorate within 15 days of the confirmation of receipt of the application in order to verify your identity, to take your biometric data and a specimen signature, and to have your documents recognised.


The proceeding is exempt from charges.


The application for national residence card shall be examined by the competent authority within 70 days.


In case of refusal the applicant may appeal the decision submitted to the authority of first instance within 15 days after the decision was delivered. In case the appeal is lodged in delay, an application for justification of the late appeal may be submitted along with the appeal in order to justify the late appeal. The application for justification of a late appeal may be submitted within 5 days of the date becoming aware of the default or the impediment ceases to exist, but no later than 30 days from the date of the missed deadline or the last day of the missed deadline. The appeal shall be examined by the second instance authority within 30 days. Pleading infringement of law, an administrative appeal against the decision of the second instance authority may be launched within 30 days of the date of the delivery of the decision, before the Törvényszék (i.e. Regional Court) having jurisdiction and competence to hear the case. The Court shall decide the case out of court; however, it shall hold a hearing upon the request of either party. If legal representation is used, the statement of claim may be submitted electronically via the website of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing; in the absence of legal representation, the statement of claim, in which a hearing can be requested, may be submitted in 3 copies directly to the first instance authority.


Documents required to be enclosed with the application for a national residence permit

The application for a national residence permit must be accompanied by the application form, a valid travel document and a document certifying the existence of the family relationship. Please also note that if you submit your application online, the application form will be generated by the Enter Hungary platform automatically. Applicants must print and sign this application form generated by the system and after signing it, it must be uploaded/attached on the Enter Hungary platform.


Notification of the birth of a child born in Hungary

If a child is born in the territory of Hungary to a UK national with a long-term residence status and a third-country national family member, a national residence card must be issued to the child after the birth has been reported.


Rules of withdrawal of a national residence card/national permanent residence permit

The national residence card/national permanent residence permit shall be withdrawn by the immigration authority if a UK national or a third-country national family member of a UK national

 a) left the territory of Hungary for more than five consecutive years;

 b) constitutes a threat to the public security or national security of Hungary;

 c) is subject to expulsion or a ban on entry and stay was ordered against him/her, or

 d) requests the withdrawal of the national residence card.


The national residence card/national permanent residence permit of a third-country national family member of a UK national issued in accordance with the rules set out in the Withdrawal Agreement shall be withdrawn by the immigration authority in case the national residence card/national permanent residence permit of the UK national has been withdrawn, unless the family member complies with the general rules, except for the national interest of Hungary.

Last edited: 2025.02.28. 10:07