Short stories - student
Short stories
1. Perfect
Know How is a third country national living in Hungary, who has a valid
residence permit for study purposes.
Perfect Know How submits an application for the extension of the residence
permit online through the Enter Hungary system 2 months before the
expiration of the residence permit. Perfect Know How continuously
monitors the status of his/her application on the Enter Hungary
website, so that, if necessary, he/she can upload the required documents in
time. Perfect Know How thus saves herself/himself a lot of inconvenience
and receives her/his residence permit in time, before her/his previous residence
permit expires.
Act like Perfect Know How!
2. Mischievous
Magician is a third country national living in Hungary, who has a valid
residence permit which expires in 15 days.
Magician should have started extending his/her residence permit sooner, at
least 45 but more likely 60 days sooner than her/his residence permit
Mischievous Magician will be granted a certificate of temporary residence until
her/his new residence permit is ready However, until the permit is not ready,
Mischievous Magician cannot leave Hungary, because the certificate of temporary
residence will not allow her/his to travel abroad.
Don’t Delay! Start extending your residence permit on time!
Dream Wanderer is a third country national living in Hungary, whose residence
permit has expired. Dream Wanderer cannot submit a request for
extension of residence permit via Enter Hungary, because he/she does not have
valid residence permit.
to the change in legislation, it is not possible to submit a fairness request.
If the residence permit expires and the Dream Wanderer does not have a
visa-free passport she/he have to leave the Schengen area, if she/he does not
fulfill this obligation, the aliens policing authority will expell him/her.
Never act like Dream Wanderer! Submit application for extension in time!